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Tennessee Williams: Playwright and painter at the Fine Arts National Museum

Tennessee Williams: Playwright and painter at the Fine Arts National Museum

By: Adalys Pérez


Just few days before the 32nd anniversary of the death of North American writer and playwright Tennessee Williams, the Fine Arts National Museum offers the possibility to know about another aspect of his artistic work presenting four of the paintings the author of “A streetcar named Desire”created. 


The exhibit, that was opened just recently at the Information Center Antonio Rodríguez Morey of the Fine Arts National Museum (MNBA, as per its initials in Spanish) has been possible thanks to the collaboration of North American gallery director Nance Frank, who has once again put us in contact with the culture accumulated by prestigious intellectual of the community of Key West.


Besides oils on canvas and woods that Tennessee Williams painted inspired on characters or peak moments in his theater plays, there will be also exhibited some twenty pictures of relevant actresses and actors who performed his texts, many times taken to the big screen and some of the posters that announced the plays.  


Likewise will be exhibited first editions of his most important plays, programs, recognitions he received and stamps based on his figure or in the artistic legacy of this artist who was also a poet.


The National Council of Performing Arts will collaborate to the exhibit with documents treasured in its files that prove the deep repercussion his work had in the Cuban theatre.  Many of his plays were premiered in our country short time after were represented in Broadway.


Source: Cubarte