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Places of Power by Marina Abramovic at the Luciana Brito Gallery

Places of Power by Marina Abramovic at the Luciana Brito Gallery

The Luciana Brito Gallery presents the exhibition "Places of Power" by Marina Abramovic, the main exponent of the performance in the world, as of on April 6.


The exhibition compiles over 30 works (objects, pictures, graffiti, drawings, video and performances recording), which shows the link between this artist and Brazil, which has strengthened in the last decades.


Since 1989, she has visited Brazil in some occasions studying crystals, gems and their influence in the body and the human mind.


The selection shows works belonging to an unpublished series, which gives the title of the exhibition and they are created starting from Abramovic’s travels through different states of Brazil in 2012 and 2013. During a period of investigation on the borders between art and spirituality, the artist went to Goiás, where she visited Juan de Dios and the holy places in Alto Paraíso. En Bahía, she knew rituals related to Candomblé and the the church of Our Lord of Bonfim and she has experiences related to chamanismo, the ayahuasca and rituals of the American Indian of Cariri Xoco. In Minas Gerais, she depth her knowledge in the power of the Brasilian minerals.


Artists’ portraits and several pictures will be also exhibited. Her trip to Brazil also allowed her to produce a documentary called “A corrente”, which be premiered in 2015.


"Places of Power" will be exhibited until May 16.

April 6, 2015, 19:00 local time

Luciana Brito Gallery- Rua Gomes de Carvalho, 842