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Venice Film Festival To Pay Tribute To Orson Welles

Venice Film Festival To Pay Tribute To Orson Welles

Rome.- The Venice Film Festival will pay tribute to the American filmmaker Orson Welles, considered one of the greatest film and teather directors in the 20th century, the organizers announced. To mark the 100th filmmaker's birth anniversary will be displayed in the pre-opening events, on September 1, two of his masterpieces: The merchant of Venice (1969, film considered lost) and Othello (1951), the source said.


They also reported that the festival programme , which will take place in the Sala Darsena on the Lido di Venezia, includes live performance by the Orchestra Classica di Alessandria of the original unpublished score for The Merchant of Venice.


Welles was elected in 2002 as the best film director in the movie history by the British Film Institute.

