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Cuban Comedian, President Obama Shot New Sketch in Havana

Cuban Comedian, President Obama Shot New Sketch in Havana

The President of the United States, Barack Obama, recorded a new sketch with Cuban comedian character "Panfilo" in Havana, on Monday.
"I just filmed a new sketch with President Obama and I practically haven’t had time to wash my head and rinse off this gray hair I’ve painted to play Panfilo," actor Luis Silva said in an exclusive interview given to Noticiero Univision.
The new sketch, which hasn’t been aired yet, comes after a dramatization that was shared by the White House in its social networks on Saturday. In that video Obama takes Panfilo’s call at the Oval Office and greets him with the common Cuban "que bola".
“After these images”, Panfilo expresses, "the White House said: Well, I think we can do something with Panfilo during Obama’s visit! That’s when the U.S. embassy in Cuba started to call me."
Panfilo, one of the most famous and scathing comedy characters in Cuba, plays the leading role in a TV show broadcasted by Cubavision, the main State-run television, on a weekly basis, in prime time.
His character stands for the average Cuban people that live throughout the month with the ration card, which guarantees a minimum amount of food every month, and fight against the lack of things and daily difficulties on an island that has endured the U.S. embargo since 1962.
Obama, who reestablished diplomatic relations with Cuba in 2015, arrived in Havana on Sunday, accompanied with his wife and two daughters.
Obama usually participates in comedy TV shows and "talk shows" in his country, with dialogues that blend politics and entertainment.