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Some Aesthetic Decisions: A Centenary Celebration of Marcel Duchamp's Fountain

Some Aesthetic Decisions: A Centenary Celebration of Marcel Duchamp's Fountain

Some Aesthetic Decisions takes its title from a Judy Fiskin photography series from 1973 to 1995. The book and exhibition celebrate the 100th anniversary of Duchamp’s Fountain through the presentation of 20th and 21st century works which explore the philosophy of aesthetics and examine issues of beauty, value, and judgement.

Featuring works by Cory Arcangel, John Baldessari, Judy Fiskin, Claire Fontaine, Jorge Pardo, Sophie Calle, Jeff Koons, Joseph Kosuth, Mike Kelley, Bernd and Hilla Becher, and Andy Warhol, among others, Some Aesthetic Decisions presents the work of artists who challenge the criteria for judging the aesthetic merits of works of art, who question the relevance of applying aesthetics to non-art objects, and who reconsider the role of the viewer in the aesthetic experience.

Publication: Summer 2017
96 pages, 80 color illustrations
Retail price: $37.50 / £28 / 35 €