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Todd Gray. Pluralities of Being. Gallery MOMO Johannesburg

Todd Gray. Pluralities of Being. Gallery MOMO Johannesburg

You're invited to join us on Thursday 31 August at 18:00 in Johannesburg for the opening of Pluralities of Being, the first solo exhibition in South Africa by renowned American artist Todd Gray.

Pluralities of Being disrupts and questions the role photography plays in the transmission of history and cultural identity. Gray was Michael Jackson’s personal photographer in the 1980’s, remixing these images of iconographic pop culture with photographs made during his time of residency at NIROX in Johannesburg; collaged directly onto the gallery walls, they stack and make piles, forming photographic sculptural reliefs that further question where the image, space and content begin and end. Colliding with a new body of drawings made during his time on residency, Gray re-frames and reveals an intimate and collective post-colonial, transatlantic memory.

Todd Gray’s will be featuring at the National Portrait Gallery, London, UK from 28 June - 21 October 2018; Grand Palais, Paris, FR from November 2018 - February 2019; Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn, SZ from March - July 2019; Espoo Museum of Modern Art, Espoo, FI from August - November 2019. 

Wine will be provided by Durbanville Hills.