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Syrian Province Found Second Largest Mosaic Painting

Syrian Province Found Second Largest Mosaic Painting

Damascus.- Cultural authorities reported today that they found the second largest mosaic painting of Syria in an archaeological site in the town of Uqueirbat, located at about 65 kilometers north of the central province of Hama.
The director general of Antiquities and Museums of this Arab country, Mahmoud Hammoud, told the press that the artistic work, which is part of the floor of a church, has an area of ​​450 square meters.

The religious facility dates from the sixth century after Jesus Christ, the source said.

He indicated that the painting is the second largest discovered in Syrian territory, only exceeded in dimensions by another example of its type found in the town of Tibet Iman, in Hama, a province located at about 210 kilometers north of Damascus.

He added that the valuable piece has impressive geometric shapes of animals and plants, with allegories to the continuity of life and fertility, among other symbolisms, in addition to 14 inscriptions sculpted in ancient Greek.

The National Museum of Damascus and other Syrian heritage sites treasure, among other works of art, small and medium mosaic paintings that typify the culture of Syria, an Arab country considered the cradle of humanity.