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Fondazione Prada. Sanguine - Luc Tuymans on Baroque

Fondazione Prada. Sanguine - Luc Tuymans on Baroque

Curated by Belgian artist Luc Tuymans, Sanguine is a personal interpretation of the Baroque based on innovative juxtapositions and unexpected associations of works by contemporary artists and Old Masters (Caravaggio, Peter Paul Rubens, Guido Cagnacci, Anthony van Dyck, Jacob Jordaens, and Francisco de Zurbarán, among others).

Avoiding a rigid chronological order or a strictly historiographical approach, Tuymans evades the traditional notion of the Baroque and invites viewers to reconsider 17th century art, as well as the contemporary research, by placing artists and their role in society at the center of the exhibition narrative.

In the wake of Walter Benjamin’s analysis, according to whom the Baroque marked the start of modernity, Tuymans explores the search for authenticity, the political significance of artistic representation, the emotional turmoil generated by art, the celebration of the author’s personality, and the international dimension of the art scene, recognizing the Baroque as a primary point of reference for today’s art.