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ARTE POR EXCELENCIAS 11-12 is online now

ARTE POR EXCELENCIAS 11-12 is online now

With this (double) issue of Arte por Excelencias, we are looking forward to tackling Colombian visual production through the text written by Cuban curator and researcher Ibis Hernandez Abascal, which provides sharp analysis and characterization on the 42nd Artists National Hall held in that country. Undoubtedly, the best cover ever for an issue that will be in circulation for the first time during 2011 ARTBO Fair, to be kicked off tomorrow, Friday October 21, in Bogota.


Likewise, Arte por Excelencias 11-12 includes an interesting dissertation on Paraguay rape project –exhibited at Recoleta Cultural Center, Buenos Aires–, whose author, Adriana Almada, worked as general coordinator for AICA Congress (International Association of Art Critics), which is being held in Paraguay.


"La entrevista" (The interview) surprises with revelations on Mexican artist Ambra Polidori’s ideas and technical concepts. Rafael Acosta de Arriba signs this text, written as a result of Polidori’s exhibition at Cuba’s Photograph Library during the late 2010. Another significant space is aimed at highlighting the presence in Latin America of one of the emblematic Chinese artists from the beginning of this century, Yang Fudong (1971), through words of Jorge Fernandez, director of Wifredo Lam Center for Contemporary Art, in Havana, where his work is presently showcased.


This time, we publish in "Arte en la Red" a theme directory on Latin American design that includes its main associations, as well as a selection of studies, agencies, creation groups or personal sites. Section "El libro" contains three volumes and one catalogue: Le corps dansl´art contemporain (Sally O’Reilly), Los signos mutantes del laberinto (Rafael Acosta de Arriba)y Matanzas, la Atenas de Cuba (Alicia Garcia Santana and Julio Larramendi); and El extremo de la bala, memories of an exhibition on Cuban contemporary art with the same name. David Kunzle recreates details on his visit to Havana (1972) in section "El Archivero", coordinated by Jose Veigas; and "La Caricatura" makes brief reference to Angel Boligan Corbo’s career.


An special segment reports the celebration of Excelencias Turisticas del Caribe y las Americas magazine’s 100th issue, organized by Grupo Excelencias in Havana back in July, when the magazine’s 10th issue was launched and Review exhibition was opened, including acclaimed Cuban artists who have permanently been in touch with our project.


We give you some tips on the events to be reported by the magazine during the last months of the year. Remember that Arte por Excelencias is entirely published online and, in reach the content, you just have to register in our website, for FREE.


Meet us at ARTBO
If you visit Corferias through October 24, you will find us at stand 19, pavilion 17.

AxE in AICA Congress
David Mateo, editor of Arte por Excelencias, is currently attending the event.

11-11 in Havana
The 11-12 issue to be launched in Havana in November. We will keep you posted on the details…

December in Miami
Arte por Excelencias will be part of the collective stand of publications at Art Basel Miami Beach, December 1-4.
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