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Manuel Boix: La Nau. Travel in Time

Manuel Boix: La Nau. Travel in Time

The work of Manuel Boix–who, among other recognitions, has been given the Fine Arts National Award– is a continuous succession of personal and constantly-evolving works since 1966, when he graduated at San Carlos de Valencia Fine Arts School. Manuel Boix: La Nau, el viaje del tiempo sheds light on the questions and fascinating career developed by this artist since his previous and mainly-pictorial series El Rostro, in which the leading role is played by gestures, looks and impressive close-ups of faces drawn with thick and dark strokes, up to the birth of another collection, La Nau, made up of paintings and sculptures with a prevailing black color by means of the grisaille technique, so the artist openly expresses his passion for history, literature, philosophy, mythology, knowledge, archaeology, cartography, glyptics... and memories, without running away from the time he has lived.


The Universitat de València treasures a huge cultural and scientific heritage and Boix reflects on it, without any concessions to the arbitrary, either to find a concrete leit motiv, find the base of its creation, check the rigor of medieval manuscripts, or establish a dialogue among these historic gems and his contemporary works. On the other hand, the presence at La Nau Cultural Center of Boix’s five sculptures Los Borja, is aimed at bringing to our minds the image of Pope Alexandre 6th as the promoter of the foundation of Universitat de València- Estudi General, which is over five hundred years old, as well as inviting us to visit the restored Academia Hall to enjoy this metaphoric and visual journey.


Abel Guarinos. Curator of the display

Centre Cultural La Nau de la Universitat de Valencia
Sala Acadèmia
April 10 – June 22, 2014