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Man Ray – Human Equation: A Journey from Mathematics to Shakespeare

Man Ray – Human Equation: A Journey from Mathematics to Shakespeare

Man Ray, Shakespearean Equation, Julius Caesar (1948). The Rosalind & Melvin Jacobs Collection, New York. © Man Ray Trust / Artists Rights Society (ARS), NY / ADAGP, Paris 2015Man Ray’s (1890–1976) Shakespearean Equations are a series of paintings considered by the artist to stand at the pinnacle of his creative vision. Created while he was in Hollywood in the late 1940s, they were inspired by photographs of mathematical models he made in Paris in the 1930s.


Man Ray – Human Equations: A Journey from Mathematics to Shakespeare will feature an ensemble of 100 pieces. It will present for the first time the original mathematical models alongside Man Ray’s inventive photographs of the objects and the surrealist-inflected Shakespearean Equations


Exploring the intersections between art and science, the exhibition will provide a rare opportunity to connect the artist’s approach to geometric forms with his other works relating inanimate objects with the human body.