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Pinta Countries Section, Chile
EventsPinta Miami

Pinta Countries Section, Chile

Pinta Miami 2018, which specialises in contemporary art, and which will be held in the Mana Wynwood Convention Center in Miami, Florida, is now in its twelfth edition. The curators of the chilean section of Pinta Countries would like to present the concepts, themes, galleries and artists selected for their pavilions. This year, in the Chilean case, the proposal of Matías Allende Contador will draw upon the participation of the following galleries:

- Aninat Galería
- Artespacio
- Espora
- Factoría Santa Rosa
- Isabel Croxatto

Pinta Chile’s proposal revolves around two points: The Telluric by Gabriela Mistral, and Demented Geography by Pablo Neruda. Drawing from these literary resources, the curatorial project of Allende Contador pretends to “understand the landscape as the fundamental topos of Chilean art and Latin American art in general.” Relying on the figurative works of artists like Diego Santa Maria, Loreto Carmona, and Fernanda López, Pinta Chile manifests itself as a poetic representation of the landscapE. In the words of Allende Contador, it is “the landscape mediated by the teluricism of the subjects.”