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Critical Zones. Observatories for Earthly Politics

Critical Zones. Observatories for Earthly Politics

Through the exhibition Critical Zones, the ZKM – together with the French co-curator and philosopher Bruno Latour – offers a fresh perspective on tackling the current, critical situation on Earth.

In order to learn from the Covid-19 crisis so we can "land" on a more habitable Earth, ZKM and Latour advocate that we must start preparing now before the return to "normal" erases the total strangeness of the situation from our memory.

ZKM and Latour, founder of the "médialab" research laboratory at Sciences Po university in Paris and the collective Où atterrir (Where to land?), have published a questionnaire and an accompanying workshop asking people about their vision of the post-pandemic world.

Open questions such as 'What would you like to see develop? and 'What would you like to see stop?' lead to more precise questions inviting reflection about the consequences of personal behavior. The exercise allows respondents to identify what they care about, what incentives would promote change and what obstacles we face.