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 Music on the move

Music on the move

In the first work by Alberto Lescay Castellanos, the CD Escape, one feels the profound vocation of this artist for the journey, for defending what he has received in this coming and going around the world, without this leading him to forget his roots.

Such a philosophy is not new to the creator and leader of the Formas band. Already in a previous work, the demo entitled Errante and produced in 2001, the same intention was appreciated.

Escape is a production licensed by Empresa de Grabaciones y Ediciones Musicales (EGREM), after having materialized under the auspices of Asociación Cubana de Derecho de Autor Musical, Caguayo S. A. (Cuban Association of Musical Copyright) and Zona Jazz.

Although Alberto Lescay Castellanos prefers to label his work as a manifestation of afro nu jazz, beyond classifying or qualifying his proposal under the label of one or another terminology, the important thing is that Escape is a record of very high value.