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First International Biennial in Cuba for the enhancement of design

First International Biennial in Cuba for the enhancement of design

Santiago de Cuba. - The 1st International Biennial of Design that will take place in Havana on May will bet on that discipline’s contribution to the personal and social prosperity, as released here one of the organizers.    


Roberto M. Torres, the event general coordinator said it will take place from May 14 to 20 and will gather foreign and national professionals with proposals that bring closer those expressions to the people’s lives and their possibilities of collective and individual improvement. 


Torres indicated this is a national event with a specific schedule for the cities of Santiago de Cuba and Camaguey with arts exhibits and other activities given local possibilities. 


He referred to world personalities of this field that have been invited to the event likewise Cuban established abroad with important works under the slogan Design and Prosperity.


The theoretical space will include questions related to industry, cultural and social industry, creative branches and innovation, besides workshops to promote the influence of design in the socio economic development.   


Among the international meetings in the context of the Biennial will be the First Colloquium Design and Creative Industries for Development, the 7th Colloquium of Public Policies and Design and the Iberia- American Symposium for the Promotion of Design.


The 2016 ONDI Prizes (National Office of Design), greatest recognition to foreign and Cuban specialists with projects, products or systems of products of industrial and visual communication transcendental for the country, will be presented during the event. 



Source: PL