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Shared Coordinates: Edouard Malingue Gallery X Silverlens, Manila

Shared Coordinates: Edouard Malingue Gallery X Silverlens, Manila

Edouard Malingue Gallery is thrilled to announce 'Shared Coordinates', a group exhibition in response to a continued collaboration with Silverlens in Manila. Made up of four multi-faceted international artists spanning a myriad of disciplines pertaining to, sculpture, video, painting, installation and drawing. Representing Edouard Malingue Gallery are Jeremy Everett, Laurent Grasso and Fabien Mérelle. Completing the roster will be Silverlens artist Patricia Perez Eustaquio.

Jeremy Everett (USA, b. 1979) is a highly celebrated emerging artist noted for his conceptual approach to a wide range of media including sculpture, painting, performance and video. Laurent Grasso (France, b. 1972) is an internationally acclaimed conceptual artist who references science, history, mythology and the supernatural to weave a research-filled narrative via an expanding range of differing mediums. Fabien Mérelle (France, b. 1981) has gained international recognition for his intimate narratives detailed in Chinese ink and watercolour but also extending into sculpture, revealing a vulnerability, which echoes the intricacy of his practice. Patricia Perez Eustaquio (Philippines, b. 1977) is known for her works that span across different mediums and disciplines—from paintings, drawings, and sculptures, to the fields of fashion, décor, and craft. She reconciles these intermediary forms through her constant exploration of notions that surround the integrity of appearances and the vanity of objects. 

About Silverlens
Through its artist representation, institutional collaborations, and exhibition programming, including art fairs and gallery partnerships, Silverlens aims to place its artists within the broader framework of the contemporary art dialogue. Its continuing efforts to transcend borders across art communities in Asia have earned it recognition from both artists and collectors as one of the leading contemporary art galleries in Southeast Asia. Silverlens was founded by Isa Lorenzo and Rachel Rillo in 2004.