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Museum gugging. abstract.!? between figuration and abstraction

Museum gugging. abstract.!? between figuration and abstraction

The exhibition focuses on the abstract aspect of Gugging’s Art for the first time. Based on figurative depictions, the five artists presented here turn away from visible and tangible reality. The real object, frequently a human figure, fades into the background with line and colour acquiring greater significance, extending to pure abstraction. The exhibition looks into this interplay between figurative and abstract elements.

Selected pieces by Gugging Artist Laila Bachtiar form the starting point for the exploration of this theme and the core of the exhibition. In many cases, the artist completely fills the picture space and the underlying motif disappears almost entirely.

Bachtiar’s works engage in dialogue with Gugging Artists of an older generation: Rudolf Liemberger covers both his human and more geometrical figures with powerful lines and dense hatching. Philipp Schöpke stands out with his drawings, which are in part expressive and intensely coloured. Erich Zittra and Rudolf Horacek are also represented in the exhibition.

Curator: Nina Ansperger


19 OCTOBER 2023–17 MARCH 17 2024

museum gugging | MARIA GUGGING, AUSTRIA

On the cover: Laila Bachtiar, Dolphin, (2014) Private collection
© Courtesy Galerie Gugging

Source: Museum Gugging