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Humorists from 23 countries to take part in graphic biennial in Cuba

Humorists from 23 countries to take part in graphic biennial in Cuba

Graphic humorists from 23 countries will take part in the 19th International Biennial of Graphic Humor in Cuba from April 5 to 8, announced Reneiro Tamayo, president of the jury of this artistic manifestation.


With a call to defend peace, the group of Humorists and strip cartoonists and the Museum of Humor located in San Antonio de los Baños neighborhood will foster this meeting between foreign and local professionals in this region and the neighboring province of Artemisa.


They jury received works by artists from 33 countries and kept 23 artists in contest, so the total amounts to 93 artists, Tamayo said. The countries with major representation are Cuba, China and Uzbekistan, besides Germany, Argentina, Colombia, Egypt, Spain, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Russia, Siria, Ukraine, Poland, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Italy and Peru, among others.


According to Tamayo, all kind of genres are represented and highlight excellent works related to cartoon story, personal caricature and political satire.


The themes addressed by the artists are the peace, the non-violence, the innocence in the childhood in the middle of the war, and the defense towards nature. As something original at this Biennial, the humorists reflected for the first time the relationships improvement between Cuba and the United Sates, Tamayo noted.


The works selected by the tribunal will be showed as of April 5 at the 19th International Salon of Graphic Humor in the Eduardo Abela Provincial Center for Visual Arts and from that moment on, the public will have the opportunity to define the Popularity Award.


This Biennial will be dedicated to the cartoon story as a genre and calls to reflect around the issue Games or War?


The coincidence of the event with the 7th Summit of the Americas made the artists declared Havana and San Antonio de los Baños zones of peace in order to visualize the biggest necessity in the world, Tamayo explained.


The Biennial jury is composed of Argentinian drawing and caricaturist Marlene Pohle, Portuguese Carlos Brito, Mexican Víctor Enmanuel Vélez and Jorge Flores and Egyptian Mohamed Effat.


Source: PL