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ATP Supports the Start of Gastronomy & Tourism Academy in Panama

ATP Supports the Start of Gastronomy & Tourism Academy in Panama

By: Raisa Zayas
Jose Carlos de Santiago, ambassador of the Iberian-American Gastronomy Academy (AIBG is the Spanish acronym) and driving force behind the Panamanian Gastronomy & Tourism Academy, visited the head office of Panama’s Tourism Authority (ATP is the Spanish acronym) so as to explain representatives of associations of Travel and Gastronomy professionals the importance of the creation and opening of this institution.
Mr. Jesus Sierra, manager of Panama’s Tourism Authority, and his team had told Mr. De Santiago that ATP backs up the creation of the Academy, with special emphasis on the recognition by the organization, so everybody is aware of the significance of having a Gastronomy Academy, which will subsequently apply for a position as a member of the AIBG.
The Academy, whose legal concept is a non-profit foundation, was officially established during the second half of 2014 and the works have been aimed at choosing the Group of Academicians.
Significant progress has been made in this direction and with the presence of Mr. Leopoldo Liakopulos, president of Panama’s Restaurant Association (ARAP is the Spanish acronym) and member of CAMTUR, and Mr. Patrice Jaumon, president of Panama’s Gastronomic Club, Mr. Jose Carlos de Santiago expressed that the Academy is going to boost Panamanian gastronomy in an effort to foster the country brand image, highlight the most important Panamanian gastronomic and cultural trends, foster gastronomic expressions and creations with the contribution of gastronomy professionals from the whole country, facilitate the establishment of a long-lasting cultural cooperation, promote the participation of different sectors of the population in the project, and spread the interest of the people in culture and gastronomy.
The list of objectives includes shedding light on local products, especially those related to traditions that gastronomically characterize Panama, as well as promoting the presence of the gastronomic and historical-cultural heritage and fostering healthy gastronomy, with direct impact on the positive diet of the people.
Every idea that contributes to the development of the country and its positioning as a tourism destination will be applauded by the country’s travel industry, Mr. Liakopulos said and pointed out that other approaches are needed so everybody is happy with the Academy, which is to be made up of prestigious and morally respected academicians, interested in developing such an altruistic task.
The debate tackled other matters related to the logistics and the essence of the Academy, putting emphasis on the fact that this non-profit organization, made up of Panamanian professionals, is way more than just a group of people.
Among its goals, this organization will be combining the actions carried out by all of its elements: public administrations, entrepreneurs, professionals and cooks, associations, university, advisors, specialized media, academies and hotel and restaurant schools, with the participation of Health, Education, Culture, Tourism and Agriculture ministries.