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Eleven drawings by Picasso

Eleven drawings by Picasso

Plusieurs femmes nues. Pablo Ruiz Picasso, 1969


The Guillermo de Osma gallery will present this fall, in the framework of OPENING 2015 an exhibition of great importance: Eleven drawings by Picasso. The exhibition focuses in eleven quite exceptional works, since the year 20 until the final stage of his life, usually of large sizes. The techniques, as is common in Pablo Ruiz Picasso, are the most varied: from pencil and charcoal to the gouache, ink and gouache, through chalk, pastel or crayons.


The exhibition opens with a work painted in Juan-les-Pins, Characters in the beach, a beautiful example of classical period of return to order. From this time is also one of the rare preparatory drawings that exist for an engraving: A bull attacking a horse, from 1921, with which we expose a splendid etching test.

From the time of the Spanish Civil War and related to Dream and Lie of Franco and that announces some elements of Guernica, is one of the works, a figure dated January 28, 1937. This is followed by a big ink and wash head in 1944, perhaps a portrait of Dora Maar. From the large exposure series it also includes a Déjeneur sur l’herbe, from 1961.

The exhibition ends with a superb group of drawings of the end -especially vital – of his work: two heads, one of waxes, and pastel, a great musketeer and three scenes of women: with a Celestina featuring an exuberant woman to a musketeer, metaphorical representation of the artist.

On the occasion of the exhibition a catalog will be published with reproductions of all works with a text by Antonio Muñoz Molina, written especially for this occasion.



Nude female figures. Pablo Ruiz Picasso, 1968

From September 10 to November 20, 2015


Guillermo de Osma gallery
Miriam Sainz de la Maza
 4 Claudio Coello street 1st Left.
28001 Madrid

Phone. +34 91 435 59 36