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Peru Offers the Smallest Books in the World at Guatemala Fair

Peru Offers the Smallest Books in the World at Guatemala Fair

The Peruvian company The Smallest Books in the World is one of the publishers selling their products today at the Fair of Guatemala (FILGUA 2015), a cultural event dedicated to literary exchange and the promotion of reading. Texts that fit in one hand, spread the revolutionary thought of Fidel Castro, Camilo Cienfuegos, Ernesto Che Guevara and Jose Marti, for the price of 50 quetzales (US $ 6.50), confirmed Prensa Latina in FILGUA 2015.


Volumes with a summary of the Bible, the classic The Little Prince, or ideas of spiritual leaders like Mahatma Ghandi and Mother Teresa of Calcutta are also included.


Others still smaller, which length is that of a thumb, are sold as key chains for 20 quetzales (US $ 2.50), said to this agency the executive director of Central America and the Caribbean of the company, Luis Alberto Ñañez. The founder of the concept and editorial development of The Smallest Books in the World is Alberto Briceno, born in the Peruvian department of Cajamarca on June 29, 1950.


As stated in the official website of the company, one of the great achievements of Briceño was thoroughly review the Bible and choose the most beautiful messages of the various books that are part of the Holy Scriptures.


Briceño, Philosophy lover and collector of verses and thoughts, finalized his first tiny volume in 1970 with the title Guiding Words, which was well received among the population, according to the source.


The smallest of these books has the size of a fingernail and is part of the collection Te amo (I love you), which gathers the 40 best love poems in world literature, according to its compiler.


In 45 years of work, the company released 9,000 mini-books concerning the most diverse fields of universal knowledge, distributed in 82 countries such as Spain, USA, Mexico, Venezuela and Brazil, among others.

