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Mexican culture to be recognized during Iberia-American festivity in Cuba

Mexican culture to be recognized during Iberia-American festivity in Cuba

The 21st Fiesta de la Cultura Iberoamericana (Iberia-American Party) to be celebrated in Holguin from October 24 to 30 will recognize the Mexican culture for being the one of greatest representation in previous editions of this festival.


Yaimara Lidia Almaguer, director of the Group of Communication Management, International and Public Relations of the Casa de Iberoamérica, said Prensa Latina that 150 delegates from 14 countries have confirmed their attendance to this event that is celebrated in Holguin.  Creators from Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, United States, United Kingdom, Colombia, Spain Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, Italy, Guatemala, Panama, and Costa Rica will participate in the festival.


She also commented the meeting is an opportunity for the reflection about Iberia American culture and identity and the contemporary meaning of the encounter of the cultures of the “Old” and the “New” World, which took place with the arrival of Almighty Cristobal Colón through the Bariay Bay, in this province on October 28 of 1492.


This year, the Fiesta de la Cultura Iberoamericana, proposes the debate about Multi-culture and alternative cultures, supported in the great diversity existing in the region.

She added that event proposes to center efforts and debates in historic-cultural aspects that prove how rightful the ideals of integration and unity are.


Almaguer advanced that “Ameroiberia: ¿utopía o realidad? is one of the subjects that has defined the character of debates considering the awareness around the contributions of the rich and varied American culture to the Iberia-America regional project”.


Source: Granma