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The Great Excelencias Mountain

The Great Excelencias Mountain

By: Jorge Fernandez Era
Issue 26 of Arte por Excelencias was presented Thursday Nov. 5 at the Corner Café, a peculiar place in the Havana neighborhood of El Vedado, in a ceremony attended by Mr. Jose Carlos de Santiago, president of the Excelencias Group, celebrated fine artist Flora Fong and a large turnout that applauded the good news that the magazine is raising the number of pages to 96 and adding clipped versions of the articles in English language.
In his keynote remarks of appreciation to all entities that contribute to the publication in different ways and provide contents to its different sections –first of all to Artex, in addition to Caricatos, Escenarte, the Rex car rental and numerous fine artists- executive director Alexis Triana said: “We have to thank the Cuba National Ballet Company for making this magazine have a pleasant surprise for all its readers: an exclusive statement made by prima ballerina assoluta Alicia Alonso in the wake of the agreement by the Council of State of the Republic of Cuba of naming the Havana Grand Theater after her.”
The Excelencias President took some time off his tight agenda –the group is actively involved these days in the Havana International Fair- to rub elbows with attendees and utter some humble and emotional words: “We can put together people and brains, persons who have a lot to offer, a lot to teach and that every so often don’t have the means to get the job done. Without this magazine, we wouldn’t have the possibility to give these people we’re talking about and who are here, the chance to be seen in other places where, perhaps, it would be too hard for them to get there.”
José Carlos de Santiago underscored that Excelencias is a company that has gone a long way and paid a heavy price for that, so much that it would be impossible to get that investment back, wouldn’t it be for the loving tenderness of people who were in the audience and those who have given their support through the course of the 23 years the company has been operating in Cuba.
“We’re in the hands of each and every one of you. If each and every one of you does his part, we’ll build on a great mountain. We’re many, but let’s not think our contribution is unimportant; our contribution will help build that great mountain,” Mr. de Santiago concluded.