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Homo Pinocho exhibit at Taller de Grafica as part of the 25th Book Fair

Homo Pinocho exhibit at Taller de Grafica as part of the 25th Book Fair

By: Adalys Pérez


As part of the activities of the 25th International Book Fair, the Taller Experimental de la Grafica in Havana recently opened an arts exhibit dedicated to the several film, theater, television and even literature versions of Pinocchio, the character created by Italian Carlo Collodi in the late 19th century.


It is entituled Homo Pinocho, with 50 artists that show their visions of the popular wooden puppet, with no other restriction that the format—10.5 x 13.5 cm—since it is with a view to n artist book first, and then to a volume for all Cubans.


According to Noel Alejandro Napoles, director of the TEGH and a passionate expert in this topic, some researchers say that beyond a work for children, this one is actually a profane version of the Gospels, where you can also see some straits of freemasonry.


Napoles see Pinoche as a caricature of human nature “because we are so contradictory that we are resemble to him more like we resemble the Homo Sapiens, and that’s what we have wanted to reflect from the bottom of every artist’s heart”.


The exhibit includes all expressions within graphic arts, even original drawings that will be serigraphs later. In the space known as El Rinoceronte, the creators were given the possibility to present works outside the official exhibition where there was no restriction regarding format.


Among the artists that take part in this exhibit are Octavio Irving, Leonor Menes, Carlos del Toro, Tamara Campos, Pablo Borges, Rubén Rodríguez, Ángel Ramírez and some students form the Taller de Serigrafia, whose presence Napoles describes as one of the main values of the exhibit.


The screening of audiovisual materials and talks are also part of Homo Pinocho, whose closing date is scheduled for March 15.



Source: Cubarte