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Monica Bonvicini - I Don’t Like You Very Much

Monica Bonvicini - I Don’t Like You Very Much

Since the early 1990s, Monica Bonvicini (b.1965, Venice, Italy) has been examining architecture and literature in relation with the construction of sexual and gender identity. The house, as location for the construction of identity and as domestic site in which relationships and desires are shaped, lies at the core of the artist's research.

With the large-scale architectural sculpture As Walls Keep Shifting, half of a family house is reconstructed in 1:1 scale and scattered across the exhibition space, as if a hurricane has just passed through and torn the structure apart while a large print made up of collages of commercials and calendars featuring naked bodies will be accompanying the structure of the work.

The question of home, commodity, desire and sex is continued in a new work, treating elements of fetish as sculptural and performative objects that invite the public – within the institutional context of the museum – to live out the voyeurism that is intrinsic to all museum visits.

APRIL 22 - AUGUST 21, 2022