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THE BIG SCREEN, by Ines Garrido

THE BIG SCREEN, by Ines Garrido

Havana:La gran pantalla (The Big Screen) is the title of the exhibit recently opened by Ines Garrido (Holguin, 1966) at the Villa Manuela Gallery attached to Cuba’s League of Writers and Artists (UNEAC).


Communication and relationships with the media with the contemporary being is the topic developed by the artist with half a dozen pieces (object, interactive video and installed paintings). This time around, Garrido makes use of a TV screen as the main reference for her critical meditation.


A graduate from the Higher Institute of Art, Ines Garrido is a painting professor at the San Alejandro National Academy of Fine Arts. Her works have been exposed in countless collective exhibitions and in such individual exhibits as Gyroscope, a collateral to the 10th Havana Biennial in 2009; Zapping, Center for the Development of the Visual Arts, 2007; On Line, Center for the Development of the Visual Arts, 2002, Para Cal-mar mi Mar-tirio, Casa de Venezuela, Canary Islands, 1999.


VILLA MANUELA GALLERY: Calle H, no. 406 e/ 17 y 19, El Vedado, Havana, Cuba.