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Buenos Aires: Poéticas contemporáneas. Itinerarios en las artes visuales en la Argentina de los 90 al 2010 (Contemporary Poetics: Itineraries in the visual arts of Argentina from the 1990s to 2010) is the title of the book presented a few days ago at the Jorge Luis Borges Auditorium of the National Library.


The volume contains a dozen essays written by Roberto Echen, Andrea Giunta, Valeria Gonzalez, Claudio Iglesias, Ines Katzenstein, Andres Labake, Ana Longoni, Nancy Rojas, Aldo Ternavasio, Rafael Cippolini, Viviana Usubiaga and Andrea Wain, plus a joint curatorship by Rafael Cippolini, Fernando Farina and Andres Labake, that culls over 200 artists with illustrations of some of their flagship artworks from the past fifteen years. Different art critics and artists also collaborated with this book by offering an assortment of their own visions.


It’s an inquiry work on the most recent esthetics, scenes and facts of the country’s visual arts, co-edited by the National Fund for the Arts and the YPF Foundations. The original idea, the direction and the publishing production were conducted by Fernando Farina and Andres Labake.


Araceli Otamendi had this to say about the book: “During the extensive period spanned by this volume, a number of displacements, modifications, ethical and esthetic repositioning came to pass. The number of artists grew dramatically, and so did the public, the circuits for both views and actions. Collections expanded as the Argentine scene was meeting the rest of the world halfway. Means, disciplines and actions were enhanced, mixed, spilled over and contained again among one another. Nearly all avant-garde dogmas crumbled down, dragging along all historic and theoretical mega-discourses.


“In the same breath and on the heels of the last artistic antagonism, in the late 1990s, they all coexisted and learned to go their own way, trapped in pollution, toxification and feedback, a multiplicity of characteristics, modes, forms, discourses, fundaments and experiences that took and still take different itineraries.”


Info taken from: Note published by Araceli Otamendi

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