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Publishing: A Madman’s Job

Publishing: A Madman’s Job

A volume devoted to assess the present and the future of publishing from the view of different top-of-the-line editors, such as Riccardo Cavallero (Mondadori, Italy), Joaquín Díez-Canedo (Fondo de Cultura Económica, Mexico), Peter Mayer (Overlook Press) and Beatriz de Moura (Tusquets Editores).


The presentation of Un oficio de locos (Colección Ivorypress Essential, bilingual edition), that culls a dozen interviews made by Juan Cruz Ruiz, was attended by the author and editors Beatriz de Moura, Jorge Herralde and Elena Ochoa Foster.


One of the highlights Ruiz stressed on is the dramatic changes the publishing realm is going through as a result of the digital influence. Many people read their favorite books on iPads and Tablets, while others question whether pulp texts will continue to have lots of advocates and consumers in the future. This poses quite a challenge for an industry based on the magic of skimming through the pages of a printed book. Other topics addressed in the presentation hinged on the specialization of publishing houses and market segmentation, the importance of nonstop promotion, and perhaps the inevitable symbiosis of literary agents, editors, publishers, librarians and booksellers.


The list of interviewees includes Inge Feltrinelli (Feltrinelli Editore), Antoine Gallimard (Éditions Gallimard), Jorge Herralde (Editorial Anagrama), Sigrid Krauss (Salamadra), Michael Krüger (Hanser Verlag), Stephen Page (Faber and Faber), Robert Silvers (The New York Review of Books) and George Widenfeld (Weidenfeld & Nicolson).

