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Book Fair in Bogota, Publishing Success and Great Attraction

Book Fair in Bogota, Publishing Success and Great Attraction

By Adalys Pilar Mireles


Bogota.- Almost impassable, the pavilions of the International Book Fair in Bogota seduce thousands of Colombians and foreign visitors, interested in the novelties exhibited at the important cultural event, full of nostalgia and evocations to writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez.


Although the final results have not been calculated yet, just on Saturday and Sunday, more than 82,000 people crowded the halls of the complex Corferias, the largest exhibition area in the country, where the book fair is taking place.


The number considered a record by the organizers shows the acceptance of the cultural initiative, devoted to Gabo and the mythical town Macondo, described in "One Hundred Years of Solitude," very much like his country and Latin America.


According to organizers of the event that began on April 21, a space designed to relive that fictitious town is up to this moment, the most frequented hall by readers.


Memories of the Nobel Literature Price winner, as family photographs, manuscripts and other objects can be seen by the admirers of his works and the public in general under the influence of half-light.


Although the book fair opened more than a week ago, insatiable readers that walk through a maze of books predict a crowded and successful closing of the event, which is among the most important in Latin America.


Source: PL