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Shakespeare inspires dance creation in Cuba and the World

Shakespeare inspires dance creation in Cuba and the World

Havana. The ballet found in the works of English playwright William Shakespeare an inexhaustible wealth creation, says the historian of the National Ballet of Cuba (BNC), Miguel Cabrera.


Literary production of the greatest writer in the English language has been an inspiration to the arts, for this reason the International Ballet Festival of Havana

will dedicate its 24th edition to celebrate the 450 anniversary of the birth of that genius.


Por Shakespeare, la danza, is the motto of this event that will gather from October 28th  to November 7th  artists from over 25 countries in different stages of this Caribbean archipelago.


For eleven days, in the versions of BNC choreographers and other guest artists that show companies and foreign dancers, dance will enrich us in the enjoyment of the legacy of one of the most extraordinary examples of the literature, the historian explained.


Among the first plays of the bard taken to ballet, Cabrera mentioned The Tempest, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, Hamlet and Otelo, among others.

The current director of the BNC and festivals, Alicia Alonso, showed her fondness for shakespearean drama sine 1969, when she created the play Un retablo para Romeo y Julieta,La actual directora del BNC y los Festivales, said Cabrera in an article published on Granma newspaper.


Another pillar of the Cuban choreography, Ivan Tenorio, with his vast theatrical culture, gave us in the 1980s, his versions of three of the most famous tragedies of the English writer Macbeth, Hamlet and Los amantes de Verona, Lovers of Verona, he said.

Then Ivan Monreal, Jorge Lefebre  and Alberto Mendez performed own versions of Romeo and Juliet, and Alicia Alonso also gave her own view of the immortal drama in Shakespeare and his masks, released in July 2003.


With this piece, the BNC will inaugurate the 24Festival at  Karl Marx Theater in Havana.


Shakespeare's legacy has been around forever in the history of Cuban ballet and so the BNC will show with the replacements and new contributions brought by foreign invited choreographers, for the enjoyment in this Festival, which honors such a special anniversary, Cabrera emphasized.


Source: PL