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Kinésica, portraits exhibit by Máisel López

Kinésica, portraits exhibit by Máisel López

By Adalys Pérez


Máisel López (Havana, 1985), creator of Colosos, series of murals that with children faces cheer up some streets in Playa municipality although have also originated some sad urban legends, is exhibiting now and until mid-February at the Sala Polivalente of the Provincial Center of Visual Arts and Design.


Kinésica, term that defines the science that studies body language, is the title of this exhibit inspired in the expressive possibilities of a look, a smile or a frown.  


The artist explained Cubarte that eleven works of the series Rostros, which amounts to almost thirty canvas since it was started in 2014, are exhibited at Luz y Oficios, all in black and white, with the objective to exploit the range of values and using mix technique for the possibilities that different materials offer him in the portrait.


With the grid method applied to photography Máisel López obtains a kind of “pictorial developing” of great fidelity in the details and the expressive capacity, not restricted to child innocence, in in the recently inaugurated show.


In love with portrait as genre in painting, specialty of which he graduated at San Alejandro Academy almost a decade ago, he intends to continue this series in the immediate future, convince of the face potentialities when transmitting feelings, of communicating, even in the present times.


Kinésica is Máisel López’ seventh personal exhibit although he has participated in almost twenty collective ones and obtained, in 2014 and 2015, the Great Prize of Salón Habana.  Since 2007, he works as an arts instructor at “Mirtha Aguirre” Cultural Arts Center of Playa municipality and during that period he collaborated in Venezuela.


Source Cubarte