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“Esto no es Uruguay”: An Approach to the Reality of Paraguay

Havana’s Wifredo Lam Contemporary Art Center is going to inaugurated exhibition ¨Esto no es Uruguay (This is not Uruguay¨, by artists Erika Mezza and Javier Lopez (Erika and Javier), on Friday July 12.

Hay mas rutas que la nuestra. Tamayo’s Collections after Modernity

Back in 2000, art historian Olivier Debroise carried out the exhibition Tamayo en el torbellino de la modernidad, while he established a critical perspective on the subjacent intentions related to the

Three Chilean Artists Called by Curator Jose Roca in “Historias del objeto”

The natural object, the domestic object and the politic one are tackled –respectively– by Patricia Dominguez, Isidora Correa and Claudio Correa in “Historias del objeto (Stories of the Object)”, an exh

Emerging Design at Madrid’s Matadero Design Central

Since June 27, 2013, Madrid’s Matadero Design Central has been hosting the exhibition titled “Box_Pop_1 Encajes de diseño en la Central”, a small show aimed at getting works exhibited out of designers’

“Mesias Maiguashca: Los sonidos posibles”

A assemble of music, pictures, sound installations, videos and scores speaks of composer Mesias Maiguashca’s artistic career throughout the exhibition “Los sonidos posibles (The Possible sSunds)”, open

A Political, Sensorial Cildo Meireles at the Palacio de Velázquez del Retiro

Brazilian artist Cildo Meireles came back to Madrid on May 23 to present some of his career’s most outstanding installations at the Palacio de Velázquez del Retiro, including a few of them that have ne

Juan Yarur Presents his Collection at the MAC-Parque Forestal in Chile

At age 29, Juan Yarur, the youngest son of late textile entrepreneur Amado Yarur and one of the most outstanding private collectors of Chilean contemporary art, will showcase for the first time –and in

Carlos Bogni Reinterprets Religious Tokens, Documents at MAC Parque Central

A cheeky glance at religious tokens and documents will be presented by artist Carlos Bogni within the framework of the Quien Como Dios (Who Like God) exhibit, open from June 28 to Sept. 1, at the MAC P

ICO Museum - Manolo Laguillo: Reason & City

Manolo Laguillo: Reason & City is the new exhibit that, as part of the PhotoEspaña Festival, has been open since June 20 at the ICO Museum. With this exposition, the ICO Foundation is wagering on a

Mexico DF Hosts a Retrospective by Asco, a Chicano art collective

Asco (Disgust). Synonym of repugnance, nausea, disgust. It was the first name taken by the four founders of a Mexican-American group of artists, who are the target of the exhibition organized by the Me