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Over 15 thousand gathered skirts to exhibit in the 2015 parade

Over 15 thousand gathered skirts to exhibit in the 2015 parade

More than 15 thousand gathered skirts are expected to be exhibited in the fifth version of the parade of this jewel of Panamanian folklore with the Organization and sponsorship by Panama Tourism Authority (ATP, after its initials).


During a press conference it was announced that the thousand gathered skirt 2015 parade, will be held on Saturday, January 10, 2015 at 1:00 pm, in Las Tablas.


The press conference was attended by Jesus Sierra Victoria, ATP administrator, Jennifer Champsaur the Assistant Administrator; Carmen González, director of Fomento; Ephrain Medina, director of the charities national lottery; Gina Smith, governor of Los Santos; Frank Pinilla, the Commissioner in the police area of Azuero, among others.


Aris Acosta from the Organizing Committee explained that for 2015, they expected to involve 15,000 empolleradas in this parade, whose fame and glory has gone beyond borders.


ATP Manager stated that this gathered skirt is "an expression of national identity that dressed by our mothers, wives, sisters and daughters, they enhance and deck out the natural beauty of Panamanian women".


ATP promotes this pageant to promote tourism and folklore, paying tribute to the Panama gathered skirt.


It was reported that on this occasion, there will be a series of folklore exhibitions and events, before and after the thousand gathered skirts parade. On Sunday, January 11, a typical mass will take place at the Church of Santa Librada, from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m.; then a dirty Devils parade at 11:00 am; and finally, a horseback ride at 2:00 pm.


The Sunday lottery draw will be held in Las Tablas at 1:00 in the afternoon. From January 9 until the 11th, there will be a great bazaar of crafts in the Plaza Praga de Las Tablas square.


Efraín Medina, director of the national lottery, noted that "this is the most important showcase to highlight our traditional costume"; while Governor Smith said that in Los Santos "we are ready to welcome Panamanians and tourists, the day of the parade with our open arms".


The Commissioner of the national police, Franklin Pinilla said that they will strengthen the police security in the Azuero region, during the aforementioned days.


Meanwhile, the folklorist Rolando Domingo pointed out that "the gathered skirt should be not only dressed it but love it", for which a manual for the correct use of this Panamanian garment is being drawing up.


Source: CND Panama