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Art and life

Art and life

To attend the irresistible beauty of Bridgetown would be the dream of a browser art if plastic arts were between the expressions that seduce Barbadian public.

He knew he did not have that privilege and still accepted the challenge because in this edition of Café important Cuban artists and Caribbean who rank among the authors of the twenty-first century determined to reveal their realities from the instrument of their professions gathered.

As a Cuban who lives and produces art in Cuba, he prepared his luggage with clothes and tools that allow him to be and do his culture in that territory of luxury. So on March 1st Santiago Hermes, an artist from Cienfuegos, director of the project Trazos Libres, invited by the University of the West Indies, arrives at the West Indies tourist destination city, with the purpose to show his productions and share with viewers and participants.

The director of Cafe project, Dr. Grisel Pujala-Soto, and the chief curator and plastic artist Leandro Soto Ortiz, were always struggling to make this event a genuine area of shared learning.

Speech was the defense allowed for Santiago Hermes in the theoretical sessions of the event. A relevant exhibition entitled Trazos Libres: arte y vida, broke down into three headings six years of work.

In the first one, he addressed the main formal and conceptual content which are the theoretical foundation of his permanent works and performances. In the second one -and most questioned- he presented operational elements and skills for the realization of Community artistic work in various localities of the country. And in the third one he reflected on the social impact achieved by these actions in different dimensions of the national structure.

The presentation of the audiovisual Trazos Libres, synthesis of a documentary record, designed as a preamble, illustratively complemented the results of each line of work in an integrated manner.

The group exhibition El quinceañero included in the Event Café: XVII Jornada de Artistas Cubanos highlights in the gallery of the University of the West Indies.

The Works of Aimée Perez, Victor Gomez, Flor Mayoral, Miguel Cubiles, Reinaldo Loyola, Ana Maria Sarlat, among other talented authors, spoke with Ofé, Interpretation of the queen of the seas of Santiago Hermes and with El regalo supremo, piece by the same author, with a range of readings in which the depth of symbolism of landscape sits the minimalism of man before the grandeur of nature.

Hermes spruces up as a trap, , along with other artists of outstanding importance as Leandro Soto, Neri Torres and Jorge Luis Morejon, the opening of the collective visual feast with performances that reveal a training able to involve and impel attendees to reflection, participation and taste of an art full of  Cuban culture.