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Esterio Segura and the Festival Les Voix Humianes in Havana

Esterio Segura and the Festival Les Voix Humianes in Havana

By: Adalys Pérez


As a result of a sustained collaboration between Cuban plastic artist Esterio Segura and the maestro Leo Brower for three years, an exhibition titled Altavoces contra la pared to take place on Friday, September 25 at the National Museum of Fine Arts (MNBA, as per its initials in Spanish) in the context of the Festival Les Voix Humianes to be held that day.


 Besides being in perfect harmony with the event, the title of the exhibition corresponds to one of the pieces, a medium and large format work, to be located on the outer area of the Cuban Art building, on the first floor.


Esterio who is also the curator of his works, told the press that for this occasion, between one and two works from each of his ten projects, in which he has been working since 1990 to date, have been selected. Some of them include those from the Occidente Tropical display recently exhibited at the Havana Factoria Galleria, in Havana.


Also, other of his works that have never been displayed in Cuban or at least, they have been exhibited long time ago, will be included this time such as those created for the Fresa y Chocolate Cuban film by Tomas Gutierrez Alea.


The exhibition opening will also provide a choral performance by the Venezuelan music producer Andres Levin, with whom Segura had already collaborated with an intervention during the 12th Havana Biennial.


The closing will take place on November 16 and then will be extended several Cuban provinces, where Esterio plans to hold meetings with young people interested in the plastic arts, most of them do not known his work.


Source: Cubarte