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Mendes Wood DM in Paris

Mendes Wood DM in Paris

Mendes Wood DM is proud to take part in the first edition of Paris+ par Art Basel with a special solo presentation The Impossible Dance by the Turin-based Italian artist Guglielmo Castelli, and a series of projects by London-based British artist Michael Dean, which will be presented across Paris in five offsite locations.

The Impossible Dance is a special solo presentation of paintings by the Turin-based Italian artist Guglielmo Castelli (b. 1987). The painting that gives the show its title is a four-piece work based on The Dance Lesson, a series of drawings by Thomas McLean that the artist saw on view at the Public Library in New York. While the original drawings depict straightforward dancing lessons, Castelli's version, The Impossible Dance, as well as the other works in this presentation, depict characters in contorted, impossible positions, suspended or falling between one action and another, trapped in warped pictorial spaces.

Across Paris, London-based British artist Michael Dean (b.1977) presents Tendre-sur-Estime, a series of five offsite projects, including his first-ever bronze sculpture as part of Paris+ par Art Basel SitesTendre-sur-Estime is curated by Julie Boukobza.

Paris+ par Art Basel 2022
Booth A18

20 – 23/10 2022

Grande Palais Éphémère
2 place Joffre 
Paris, France

Source: Mendes Wood DM