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TENDIEZ Experiencias in Cordoba

TENDIEZ Experiencias in Cordoba

The 2014 TENDIEZ Experiences cycle "Design Trends in 10 minutes" had three convening meetings in Buenos Aires and reaches Cordoba on Wednesday November 5th  with "Architects and interior designers." The event consists of brief chats with multiple speakers, addressing issues of architectural culture, design, art and real estate, into a dynamic form of communication that is a global trend.


On Wednesday, November 5th  at 19 pm the meeting "Architects and interior designers" will be performed with the participation of seven featured experts. They are the Cordoba Patricio Calderon Pablo Dellatorre, Mariana Palacios, Adolfo Mondejar and Alfredo Tapia --AFT Architects- as well as Julio Oropeland --President of DArA- and the architect Arthur de Tezanos Pinto --USOS-. There will also be humor intermediate by Willy Magia.


TENDIEZ Cordoba takes place at the Hotel Y111 in Nueva Cordoba and its Main Sponsors are IndusParquet and Tersuave being Sponsors Arquidry and Hotel Y111 and the collaboration of companies like Drift Word, ENAS, Kekol, Luminotecnia, Tecno Aislantes y Tres Pircas,  sponsored by DArA. TENDIEZ is a conference format created by BarberoSarzabal communications consultancy, in collaboration with the architect. Alicia Falconi. Access is free with advance registration for limited places in  Facebook / Youtube: "TENDIEZ Experiences", where you can see videos of the first three meetings in Buenos Aires.